The Pig is Bleeding
I’m only two posts in and already a pattern is emerging.
I get up and wander in the kitchen to do something, clearly, I spend a good amount of time in the kitchen and I basically never stop doing stuff. Again I leave the TV on, and yes that happens a lot. It’s a two-fold problem really, first I can NOT handle random noises so if I turn off the TV or music all I’ll be able to hear is the fish pump running, or the fan clicking, or really all of it at once. Secondly, my brain needs lots of stuff to work on or I go crazy. Even though I may be doing something already, part of my brain will want to focus on a million other things, so something like music playing helps.
Back to the story, I get up and go into the kitchen, leaving some vet show on, which I will often have on just to look at the animals. Like a 6 year old, lol. Once again K is in the living room and after a short bit, I hear…
“Do you want me to tape this?”
“No, it’s fine.” Because really it was just on to be on and I wasn’t really focusing on it.
Then in a ‘are you sure I can’t tempt you’ voice I hear. “The pig is bleeding.”
I don’t know why this conversation cracked me up, but it did. Maybe because it really is a good momentary window into what happens day to day.